Hochland is a leader on the yellow and cream cheese market in Romania. The fresh cheese-snack category completes the manufacturer’s portfolio which, as a growing category, required refreshment and better communication of benefits belonging to this product group. We faced such a task (and it was not the first one Hochland challanged us with) while preparing the concept, branding and packaging design for the cottage cheese line.

Packaging design relaunch for fresh cheese-snacks

The project is based on precise insight communication and product’s benefits focused around such values as convenience, vitality and naturalness. All these elements are present in the implemented design solution – including an illustration which reflects the

naturalness and protein nature of the product as well as distinctive typography and product demos presenting the cheese’s freshness and milkiness. We also worked out colours for individual flavour variants that are both specific to the brand but also embedded in the dairy category. Structured communication, including icons distinguishing the most important benefit of a given cheese type, completes the whole cottage cheese packaging design.

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Alicja Pruchniewicz

Brand Consultant Let's meet Alicja

Tomasz Chajęcki

Brand Consultant Let's meet Tomek